Bridegroom on Approval Page 17
“Yes, you should have. Why didn’t you?”
“Because I was afraid.” Her chin quivered ever so slightly. “So I tried to use logic to cover up my fear instead of listening with my heart.”
“Are you telling me you’re not afraid anymore?”
“No.” Defiant. Absolute. Conviction blazed in every line of her face.
Now for the important question. He eyed her gravely. “How do I know that you won’t be afraid next time something similar happens?”
“Because I’m going to tell you my last secret.” She gestured toward his family. ‘Right here, in front of everyone. That way all the fears will be out in the open.”
And thereby shedding the last of her feathers. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth. “You think that’s enough?”
“I hope it will be.”
“Then tell me, carissima.”
She took a deep breath. “I love you.”
“That’s it?” He lifted an eyebrow, pretending to be less-than-impressed. “That’s your secret?”
She clenched her hands together. “No. I’m hoping you might have already figured that out for yourself. My secret is...” She swallowed convulsively. “My secret is that I’ve never said those words to anyone before in my entire life.”
It took a minute for the impact of her words to sink in. When they had, he glanced over her shoulder to his brothers and jerked his head toward the door. They took the hint. For the first time in their collective lives, they didn’t say a single word, but simply filed from the room.
“You’ve never told anyone you love them before?” he rapped out.
“Never. Not Henry. Not the boys. Not...not any of my parents.” Tears glistened in her eyes, turning the greens and golds to the color of newborn leaves unfurling beneath a spring-bright sun. “But I better warn you that that’s going to change. I can’t just love you, Marco, although I’ll love you more than anyone else. I need to love others, too. Jeb and Janus and Josie. And Pru.”
He sighed. “Pru?”
“Yes, Pru. And...and Mother Jonathan.” A tear spilled onto her cheek, unchecked and unashamed. “Especially Mother Jonathan. Please, Marco. I don’t want a trial marriage anymore. I want it to be real.”
He didn’t need to hear any more. He opened his arms to her, gathering her close. “I love you, Hanna.”
“And I... Ti amo, Marco.” She gazed up at him with an expression so open and clear, he couldn’t doubt her final fears had been banished. “Am I forgiven?”
“You were forgiven even when you doubted,” he assured gently.
It took her a moment to recover enough to respond. “I love you so much. I didn’t think it was possible.” The tears overflowed. “Not for me.”
“It is possible. Not for you, but for us.” He dipped his head, whispered against her lips, “Welcome home, wife. Welcome home.”
And then Marc took her mouth in both benediction and promise, holding her as though he’d never let go. The future spread before them shining with joyous promise. From deep in Hanna’s hair, a feather drifted free, spinning to the floor in silent acknowledgment.
At long last, the spell had been broken.
Look out next month for LONG-LOST BRIDE,
the thrilling sequel to
and the conclusion to Day Leclaire’s
ISBN : 978-1-4592-5289-9
First North American Publication 1999
Copyright © 1999 by Day Totton Smith.
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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